
Below are a list of resources referenced in Creatures of Habit.

 indicates an official Rotary International Document
Fit for Purpose program resources pageLINK
Revitalising Rotary (Siegel+Gale)DOWNLOAD
Rotarian Needs AssessmentDOWNLOAD
 Guide to Corporate MembershipDOWNLOAD
The Ford Plan Recruitment Campaign (formerly The Yass Plan)DOWNLOAD
 Starting a Rotary ClubDOWNLOAD
 Starting a New Club online courseLINK
 Guide to Satellite ClubsDOWNLOAD
 Guide to Passport ClubsDOWNLOAD
 Voice and Visual Identity Guidelines 2019/2020DOWNLOAD
 The Club Health CheckDOWNLOAD
 Exit Survey/Understanding Why Members LeaveDOWNLOAD
 Be a Vibrant ClubDOWNLOAD
Membership Poster
AO size (1188 x 841mm)